Lectures at UAB where she directs the Online European Master in Audiovisual Translation. Co-editor of The Translator’s Dialogue (1997) and editor of Topics in Audiovisual Translation (2004) both published by John Benjamins. She is co-writer with Anna Matamala and Eliana Franco of the Voice-over: An Overview in Peter Lang. In the field of Media Access she is co-editor of Media for All: Subtitling for the Deaf, Audio Description and Sign Language, published in Amsterdam by Rodopi, and has also co-edited with Anna Matamala Listening to Subtitles: SDHoH in Peter Lang. She is the guest editor of the special issue of TRANS 11 on Media Access in Spain, and with Jan Louis Kruger the Perspectives special issue on Audio Description. Her research interests are Nonsense Literature, Audiovisual Translation and Media Access. She has numerous research projects on media access funded by the Spanish and Catalan Governments. She is a partner of the EC project DTV4ALL . She is the leader of the research group TransMedia Catalonia, LinkedIn | X